5 prohibited veterinary drugs for laying hens

To administer medication to a flock of chickens, it is important to understand some general medication knowledge. There are several prohibited medications for laying hens

Furan drugs. The commonly used furan drugs mainly include furazolidone, which has significant therapeutic effects on dysentery caused by Salmonella. They are mainly used for the prevention and treatment of chicken dysentery, coccidiosis, chicken typhoid fever, Escherichia coli sepsis, infectious sinusitis in chickens, and blackhead disease in turkeys. However, due to its ability to inhibit egg production, it is not suitable to use it during the laying period.
Sulfonamides. Sulfonamide drugs such as sulfadiazine, sulfathiazole, sulfamidine, compound carbendazim, compound sulfamethoxazole, compound pyrimidine, etc., due to their wide antibacterial range and low price, are commonly used to prevent and treat chicken dysentery, coccidiosis, colitis, and other bacterial diseases. However, due to the side effects of inhibiting egg production, these drugs can only be used in young chickens and should be prohibited for laying hens.
Chloramphenicol. Chloramphenicol is an antibiotic drug that has good therapeutic effects on chicken dysentery, chicken typhoid fever, and chicken cholera. But it has a stimulating effect on the digestive tract of chickens and can damage the liver of chickens. It can combine with blood calcium to form difficult to tolerate calcium salts, thus preventing the formation of eggshells and causing chickens to produce soft shell eggs, resulting in a decrease in egg production rate. Therefore, laying hens should also be prohibited from using chloramphenicol regularly during production.
Testosterone propionate. This drug is a male hormone and is mainly used in the chicken industry for raising brood chickens. But it is not suitable for long-term use. Long term use can inhibit ovulation in laying hens and even lead to male mutations, thereby affecting egg laying.
Aminophylline. Due to the relaxing effect of aminophylline on smooth muscle, it can relieve spasm of bronchial smooth muscle. So, it has an anti asthma effect. Commonly used in the chicken industry to treat and alleviate breathing difficulties caused by respiratory infectious diseases in chickens. But taking it during the laying period of chickens can lead to a decrease in egg production. Although stopping the medication can restore egg production, it is generally best not to use it.

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Post time: Sep-04-2023